Tuesday 26 June 2018

The Volcano

I am running away from the lava. It is the hottest lava. It can burn you like my Dad got burnt with the coffee.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Teddy Bear Picnic

For the past two weeks Giuliana's literacy group has been reading and writing and learning about bears.  Not only real bears such as panda or grizzly bears but also bears we love and have at home such as our teddy bears.

We all decided we would love to take our teddy bears on a teddy bear picnic at school.  Sadly it was raining but we still had fun with a picnic inside.
The teddies watched us do our writing.  I am sure they were impressed with our rhyming words.

We read our book 'Mother Bear's Scarf' to our teddies.  What a fun picnic.  We hope to do this again!

Sunday 6 August 2017

Achieving my Writing Goal

Giuliana is working really hard on her writing and always has topics to write about.  She has achieved her goal of writing the first sounds in words and is even starting to notice other sounds.

Giuliana's new writing goal is to write all the sounds she hears in order.  Keep up the super effort, Giuliana!

Monday 12 June 2017

Play Dough

Giuliana rolled and rolled the play dough today in long strips.  The strips were so long they had to curve and swirl around the table.  She created Rapunzel with long golden hair.

Monday 29 May 2017

Working on My Reading Goal

Giuliana has been working on her reading goal. Here she is learning to use the picture and initial sound to work out unfamiliar words. What great expression you have at the end Giuliana.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Playing With My Big Buddy

Giuliana loves doing puzzles. When her Big Buddy Nikyla came to visit, Giuliana shared one of her favourite puzzles. Giulana was able to show Nikyla where lots of the pieces went.

The Volcano

I am running away from the lava. It is the hottest lava. It can burn you like my Dad got burnt with the coffee.